I got to New York yesterday, and kicked my week off with (what else?) a fashion show. Well, the hair and makeup, anyway. (Getting permission to go backstage and watch the preparations and getting permission to watch the show are, as it turns out, two totally different things.)

I asked Luc how us mortals could translate the look into everyday life (yes, being surrounded by 7-foot-tall models is getting to me). He noted that, even without makeup, you already have a triangle-shaped shadow under your brow. To make an “everyday fierce” look, you could use a softer color (fawn, taupe, brown) in that same triangle pattern. Alternately, if you wanted to open up the eye, you could “erase” the shadow, putting a light flesh-tone, or even white triangle there.
The triangles were made with MAC Paintsticks (I’d guessed Blacktrack, but he said that would dry too quickly). He also mentioned that any mistakes were cleaned up with a little Fast Response eye cream on a q-tip. That’s the second time an artist has mentioned moisturizer-on-a-q-tip to clean up mistakes.

Marco Santini of Ion Studios was directing the hair team. The girls had their hair flat-ironed, pulled back, and hairsprayed (so as to create volume at the roots), then “woven” in place behind them. Marco called the look “soft goth,” a brushed back look that’s not perfect. I asked Marco how regular women could wear this look, and he said that he felt it was already street-ready.
Here’s a look at the finished models, in the clothes. These images are from Style.com:
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