80s Punk Fashion
Mohawk and spiky styles are fashioned and some include jewelery in the hairstyle. The hair is dyed in bright colors, like pink, orange, green, and purple to mention a few. The hair styles are outrageous and messy. Bondage is also very popular in the punk fashion. They wear Doc Martins, military boots, motorcycles boots and brothel creepers, these shoes are still worn with very tight pants, either leather of tapered jeans, some have animal prints as well.

80s Punk Fashion
Blazers and jackets were common then and are still part of the punk dress. The T shirts that were worn by the punks were extremely offensive such as inverted crucifixes, Nazi emblems and blatant sex symbols; not only were these t shirts offensive they were intentionally torn. That time the fashion was considered to be really low and scummy. Items that were worn in the '70s changed and new items have been added over the years. 

80s Punk Fashion
The styles they used then to recently differ considerably, and today's punks just have a basic punk look. When punk fashion started around the '70s the intention was to shock people as well as have the rebellious look and being confrontational. The clothing of the punks is used as a stand out statement in their subculture. Not only do the punks have a distinct social dress, but others such as the skinheads, greasers and rude boys all have had influence as far as punk fashion goes.

80s Punk Fashion
The punks also have modifications to the body. Punk fashion is definitely a trendy style of cosmetics, jewelry, hair and clothing.

You must have remembered David Bowie and Madonna; these celebrities were the big contributors and style icon among the People were very much used to prefer this type of clothing. The fashion of rolled up jeans, scrunched up socks, pony tails and bright colored clothes also dominated the 80s era. These types of costumes had their own significance in the mind of the people.

80s Fashion
New romantics, power dressing, stretch dressing and sportswear too popular among the people. Other celebrities like Margaret Thatcher in tailored suits and the yuppies wearing costumes in the style of Diana Princes of Wales very much contributed in the 80s fashion which influenced many people. Celebrities became the icon for many people and were very much responsible for the 80s fashion influence. People were also influenced by the movies and the characters. TV dramas and serials also played an important role in the commercialization of the 80s fashion. 

80s Fashion
People were dramatically influenced by the commercials, by the big garment and clothing companies. During this era, a person ignored going anywhere without a jacket or at least a suit was needed. Mostly the attires in this decade gave a tailored look which was preferred my most of the people. The fashion in this era was very powerful and dominating.

80s Fashion
During this period women had many choices in front of them to choose looking at the options available in the market. Many different varieties of fashion styles and dresses ran parallel in during the period of 80s. The fashion trend in the 80s was quite different and unique.

80s Fashion
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